With Zen+ there are four new processors: Two new eight-cores, the Ryzen 7 2700X and the Ryzen 7 2700, and two new six-cores, the Ryzen 5 2600X and the Ryzen 2600. They all come with Wraith coolers, the 2700X even with an improved model that also got some LEDs.
Reviews are positive. The jump from the previous generation is not huge, but there are nice incremental upgrades that result in higher clocks and thus better performance, while needing less energy on the clock level of their predecessors.
The processors are compatible with all existing AM4 boards, the just need a Bios update, like the Ryzen G APUs did. But this time most boards sold currently being should already be compatible. Though there is also a new X470 chipset where compatibility is a given, for those that want to be sure.